Vice Chairman MBSCET

                                                                S. Gurnam Singh (Chairman)
We in the MBSCET are into enabling and honing the young and dynamic minds with desirable human values dovetailed with the state of art technology in the ever challenging and refined realm of Engineering science. Our sincere endeavor shall be to launch suitably trained human material into higher orbits of an even-keeled society. To achieve the above stated goals we humbly claim that all necessary ingredients and matrix are in place in the College thought, philosophy and ambient campus.


Having already admitted the 19th batch of students in the five permitted disciplines of Engineering sciences, the MBSCET has earned the unique honor of being the oldest and most popular College in the J&K State in the Non-Governmental sector. Its minority character is an additional grace to the community.

The nation is making giant strides in the twin areas of digitization and ultra technology and aims to join the elite club of developed nations by 2020. MBSCET is making its own humble efforts by providing the requisite technologically trained manpower towards realization of the national dream. From year 2017 the Institution has chalked out a programme of complete linkage of the Institution with industry through providing need based market demand driven project training from the 1 st Semester itself so that our technocrats become employable during their studies itself with their technological experiences compatible with industrial demand.

They say ‘luck knocks at everydoor, but only once in life’. Following the above dictum, my sincere advice to our young and budding technologist is to put their best foot forward, make the best use of the given opportunity in the most ideally ambient campus, with fully qualified and experienced faculty and supporting infrastructure. Make disciplined learning a fun during your stay at the College. I offer my best wishes and wholehearted support.
